Radio Warneford is run by a Management Committee which meets once every two months. Every Full Member is eligible to stand for election to the Committee at the Annual General Meeting which takes place each year, usually in July.
The Committee for 2024/25 is currently as follows:
- Acting Chair – Andy Dowell
- Secretary – Andrew Reeve
- Treasurer – Paul Kalus
- Membership Secretary – Chris Ackroyd
- IT/Engineering – Paul Chand
- General Members – Louise Kalus & Stephen Height
- Station Manager – vacant
- Production Manager – vacant
- Fundraising Coordinator – vacant
Most Committee members have a specific role to play within Radio Warneford:-
The Chair is responsible for conducting the monthly meetings of the Management Committee and for ensuring that all decisions made by the Committee are followed through. The Chairman also provides a link between the hospital authorities and Radio Warneford.
The Secretary is responsible for much of the administration work connected with Radio Warneford, in particular any correspondence between the station and the hospital or other outside bodies or organisations.
The Treasurer looks after all the income and expenditure of Radio Warneford, keeps up-to-date accounts and ensures that these are audited annually in line with current regulations.
The Station Manager is responsible for the day to day running of the station, interviewing prospective members and appointing Duty Producers.
The Production Manager monitors and maintains the output of the station and organises or coordinates all special broadcasts.
The Membership Secretary is responsible for managing all aspects of Radio Warneford’s membership procedures.
Other non-Committee posts include:-
- Communications Manager – Andy Dowell
- Librarian – vacant
- Engineers – Andrew Barker & Mike Squire
- Archivist
- Ward Visiting Trainers
- Presentation Trainers
- Technical Trainers
- Recruitment Officers
The Trustees
Radio Warneford has three Trustees who are entitled to attend and vote at Committee Meetings. These are:
- Janet Bonser
- Andy Dowell
- Louise Kalus
The Trustees are responsible for ensuring that Radio Warneford meets its commitments to the Charity Commissioners. They make sure that the station spends money raised from local people wisely and for the benefit of patients.
Duty Producers
Radio Warneford’s members are currently divided between six separate teams, each one operating on a particular evening with the sixth team for Sunday morning.
Each team is headed by a Duty Producer who is responsible for ensuring that their team broadcast the published programme schedule and that their evening is adequately staffed, arranging cover where necessary.
The DPs carry out the non-technical training of all new members allocated to their team and provide programme ideas at regular meetings with the Station Manager.
Our current DPs are:
- Monday – Cliff Proctor
- Tuesday – Stephen Height
- Wednesday – Paul Sawtell
- Thursday – Chris Ackroyd
- Sunday am – Paul Sawtell